I swore 2012 would be different. I'd make something of myself. I'd treat myself and those around me better. I've done some of that. I won the 2012-2013 Texas DECA State Reporter position. I've done a pretty good job of being nicer (even though it wasn't that big of a problem to begin with), and yet Karma continues to bite me in the butt.
This is the second summer in a row I've started off with something disappointing. Last summer, though, it turned out to be a bad start to an amazing few months. For Take #2, I'm aiming to make this summer, this last summer before graduation, count for something.
I've still got a few things going on before summer actually starts. Tomorrow marks the closing weekend of Scarborough Renaissance Festival, quite possibly the highlight of my year. After joining Scarborough Celtic Troupe, I've made more friends and second-family members than I can count. For those of you unaware of what any of this means...I basically walk around for eight hours a day pretending to be Scottish Royalty. It's like working at Disneyland. Only you sweat more.
(That's me there, on the far right.)
There are also two grad parties going on tomorrow, for which I have to race home from Waxahachie to attend. There were originally three, but, well, that ship sailed far away via text message this morning.
I'm already making great plans for this summer. I have so many things I want to do, see, and accomplish before I leave this big ol' state for greener pastures after graduation.
- I have to have fun. I feel like fun gets put on the back burner for me, with all the stressing I do over family, friends, the house (which we're still unpacking, two months after moving in!), school and DECA. With school out of the way, and one less person in my life to worry about, Fun is one of my major priorities this year.
- I want to finish a book. No, not reading. Writing. I have three or four ideas that have been maturing in the depths of my Word Documents since my Freshman year, and I'd like to actually see one of them completed.
- Cross more items off my bucket list. I made this long list of things to do in 2012, and this summer is going to present opportunities to complete a lot more of them.
- Be a better me. I may sound vain, but I'm always looking for ways to improve my personal style and beauty regiment. This summer, I'm focusing on being more fit, and healthy, with an improved diet and workout routine. Out with the fast food, in with the greenery.
Summer 2012, I've been patiently awaiting your arrival (there's an Apostrophe, brought to you by my scores-yet-to-arrive AP English Test). Now, let's see what you can do.
Title lyrics c/o "Your Song" by Kate Walsh
I had no idea you wrote! I've been obsessed with writing for as long as I can remember! I know how you feel in that aspect! As for Scottish Royalty, my mom is from Scotland so I know the pains of Scottish "traditional" attire. I totally creep your facebook which is how I found this to begin with. Best of luck to having a great summer experience! CHILL!