Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Beginning of the End

It's so weird to think that this is my last year of high school. Four years ago, I started out this week as an awkward, 5'5, brace faced, nerdy girl on color guard with no social skills or fashion sense whatsoever.

Did I mention I also sprained my ankle the week before school started? No? Well, now you know. My first day of Freshman Year, and I was in a boot. My awkwardness exceeded THAT level.
Four years later, and looking at the way things have changed is kind of amazing.

Myself, Miranda and Kami from Block Forensics
Okay. Well. From that picture it really doesn't look like things have changed that much. But I've grown about 4 inches, lost a good 15 lbs, and underneath my new Forensics jumpsuit (yes, you heard me right, Forensics! My fourth science class is a total win) I have, in fact, gained a fashion sense. You can kind of tell from the earrings and sandals. You can't? Oh, well, pretend you can.

Four years ago, I had no idea what I wanted to be when I got out of school. Back then, I think I was leaning towards cooking or writing books for a living, neither of which I seriously consider a viable career for myself anymore. Now, I'm looking at a career in Public Relations or Event Management, thanks to a little organization I joined called DECA as an equally as awkward Sophomore.

I know I brag on DECA a lot, but I think it was the turning point in my high school career. DECA made me really think about my future and where I was and am going with it. DECA made me challenge the processes in a lot of things, including the way classes for students are set up at our school (say Hello to the Birdville Center of Technology's only full time student!) and has given me the chance to grow as a networker and as a public speaker (I also just realized I forgot to mention-while in LA for ELS last month, I was chosen as the first Social Media Correspondent for DECA Direct, DECA's new national publication. More on that soon). I just finished a call with the other members of the State Action Team, where we put our plans into place for the fall, and I am SO excited for this next year with my organization.

The 2012-2013 National DECA theme is Thrive, and I think Thrive we will!

The new official picture of the 2012-2013 officers. President Kate looks so awesome.

I feel like everything in the last four years has kind of been a build up-all getting me ready for this novel climax worthy year at the end of my high school career. I've got a lot planned for the next 9 months in school, I don't know how I'm going to do it all, but it's going to be so worth it in the end.

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Leadership at its Finest

I am more than willing to admit that I am not an athletic person - at all. Perhaps it's my lack of grace, or utter inability to walk on flat land without falling on my fave, but forgiving my semester Freshman year in Color Guard, and the few years I spent in cheer, I have never really liked sports.

So maybe it was just the fact that I was with friends, but I actually had a SUPER fun time at the Rangers game with my Texas DECA cohorts.

From left-Secretary Daniel, VP Scott, President Kate, me, and Sgt. Caleb

President Kate and I spent the entire time chit chatting, in between cheering at random spots for home runs. They were going to welcome us, but by the 8th inning, people were starting to leave, so Kate and I headed out. Ten minutes later I got a text from Sgt. Caleb saying they announced us on the big screen. Score 1 for Texas DECA!

We left the next morning for Los Angeles, and let me tell you, that was probably one of the most fun trips I've ever taken with DECA.

The first night in LA, we went bowling with Virginia DECA. (From left-Mrs. Hinesly, my advisor, Natalie, myself, Brandon and Emily)

We found a few awesome spots along the way to grab a bite that even I hadn't been to. One of my personal favorites was Botega de Louie, this half Italian restaurant half French patisserie, with deserts to die for. 

My desert choice at one of my new favorite LA spots, tiramisu.

Out of all the exotic choices, President Kate went for a strawberry cupcake. 
There was some amazing training lead by Tri Leadership, the same company who employs our awesome coach, Curtis. Curtis lead some of the training at ELS, along with a few other trainers we'd met at DECA LEADS, the leadership camp held at DECA International Competition for incoming State/Association officers.

Curtis also lead the training at our New Braunfels leadership retreat, which you can read about here.

Ikya, Nevada DECA State Officer, with Jordan, former Texas President and current Southern Region Vice President (National Officer)

Texas DECA State Action Team with the National Officer Team.
Back from Left: Secretary Daniel, SRVP Jordan, President Morgan, Sgt. Caleb
Front from Left: Me, North Atlantic VP Emily, President Kate, Central Region VP Christine, VP Scott
As an officer team, we get along pretty well. So needless to say, we found some time to play too. We went with the other State/Association officers in attendance to the Grammy Museum downtown, and had fun bonding with some awesome other officers. While in LA, we also filmed a new promo video for Texas DECA. More hilarity ensued when the boys started being silly.

Sgt. Caleb and VP Scott. Caleb claims that this is the best promotion for Texas DECA. Ever.
Overall, it was an awesome week spent with some amazing people. President Kate and I joined in on an old tradition, the friendship between the Michigan and Ontario officers, so named Ontichigan. With us, we became Ontichigexas. 

Ontichigexas love.
Now, I'm gonna go watch The Glee Project with my little sister before I go get a new pair of (hopefully cat eye) glasses.

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